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What to Expect | Newborn


I’m delighted that you are considering booking a newborn session! It is an honour to be able to photograph newborn babies at a time when parents have so much pride in their new baby and emotions are raw. Capturing the connection between parents and their babies just as they are getting to know them, is especially rewarding. I hope that your session will be a time when you slow down and feel especially proud of the amazing miracle that you’ve brought into the world.


I love beautiful light, simplicity and neutral, calming textures and tones and I love working with babies. Each child is unique and perfectly formed just as they are — from their tiny lashes to their precious little fingers and toes. Newborn portraiture is aimed at capturing these all-too-fleeting details.


Newborn sessions take place in my home studio, which sits on a beautiful acreage in Holgate on the Central Coast NSW. I’ve invested in a collection of props and accessories to ensure nothing but the best for my littlest of clients. The room will be set up so that we can get to work as soon as you arrive.

I tend to keep the studio warm so that your baby is comfortable. Upon arrival, if baby is sleeping well, we'll move right into the posed part of the session. If baby is awake, we may start with parent and family poses, or wrap baby up nice and cosy to fall asleep.

We’ll try to plan the posed shots for when baby is sleepiest. A full, comfortable tummy usually equals a sleepy baby. You are most welcome to nurse your baby as soon as you arrive, or as needed throughout the session.

Sessions are easy-going even if your little one isn’t. Patience and awe accompany the time spent capturing your brand new babe. The end result: images that celebrate life and are artistically refined for you to treasure as a keepsake.


Most newborn sessions average 2-3 hours. Some babies are light sleepers so it may take a bit longer.

If possible, try to keep your baby awake before your session so they’ll be sleepy when you arrive. I suggest playing, bathing and massaging your baby an hour or two before you leave home to keep them awake for as long as possible.

Feed your baby about half-an-hour before you leave, or if traveling more than 20 minutes, feed them on arrival instead. I would like your baby to be ‘milk- drunk’ so they‘ll fall into a deep sleep.

If you pump or use formula, please bring more than you think you’ll need. It can be helpful to have a bottle of formula, or pumped milk on hand, to help soothe baby back to sleep whilst on the posing bag or in a prop.

If young siblings are joining the newborn session, I would suggest that either a partner or relative bring them to the start or end of the session. I’d like to keep the studio calm while I focus on working with your precious little one. If that’s not possible then they are most welcome to stay and play nearby. Just remember to pack in snacks and toys.

Come dressed in layers in case the room gets too warm for you. Be sure to dress baby in loose clothing at home.

Newborns are very unpredictable and require lots of time and attention for feeding and comforting.

I never rush newborn sessions and will follow your baby’s lead to determine the pace.


  • baby's dummy

  • extra nappies & wipes

  • extra milk (expressed / formula)

  • preferred snacks for toddlers / mum

  • heirloom items (if you a special item)

"From the moment they placed me in our arms, you snuggled into our hearts."


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